Friday, August 21, 2009

Summer Bicycle Odds & End-- Plus Shamelessly Excited!

Some more 'Where I Live' photos ---The Boardwalk Bicycle Parking lot....

Cruisers are everywhere....


The biggest wicker basket I've seen ever. This is on a trike...

(all photos by RidingPretty)

I really do like trikes. There is this Chictopia /TopShop Bicycle Club girl who raves about her vintage trike. She uses her trike to transport all her fashion outfits and accessories to her photo shoots. She works as a stylist in NYC.

Why am I so shamelessly excited? RidingPretty Blog has passed the 100,000 visitors milestone!

This also coincides with passing the 100 subscribers to this blog via blogger/blogspot users alone. Thanks everyone!

This is also the place where an apology is due. Way back in Jan/Feb of 2009 I was trying to improve the page layout. Unwisely I used a combination of incompatible 3rd party page layout 'helpers'. The end result was that I nearly destroyed everything. (It's still so buggy and you can see this if you go into archive pages where you will notice the font size on the sidebars is hugely overblown).

At any rate in my efforts to salvage and save my blog, I had to basically start over. Thankfully I was cognizant enough to backup some of it, so I had bare bones to work with. This had several effects. I had to disable and then later reset my visitor counter (at the time I disabled it was approaching 40,000 visitors). I also disabled the feeds. That means anyone who once had RidingPretty on their feeds was abruptly shut off. By the time it was all said and done I'd reset this blog at zero visitors and zero feeds! So to anyone way back when and to who ever wondered what happened, now you know! Word to the wise, don't mess with a good thing unless you are sure of what you are doing!!!


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