Monday, May 31, 2010

Coastal Bohemian Blues

California Highway 1 Bicycle by ridingpretty

Is this not the perfect bicycle for me, at least for today anyway....

California Highway 1 Bicycle by ridingpretty


Quiet times and a wonderful meal at the sea shore.....

meal at the seashore by  ridingpretty


Seriously I've been quite distressed over the oil spill - with no way to come to terms with expressing just what it is I feel about it all - let alone how to do it on my little bicycle lifestyle/fashiony blog.

I look at photos of my day at the Monterey Bay Aquarium and I feel this warrior earth goddess well up in myself. I love these sea creatures great and small. I must have been a selkie in a prior life.

Now excuse me while I share some of my favorite friends....

XXXXXXXshared by  ridingpretty
(all photos by ridingpretty)


Finito to the Train Day Story + Comfy Romper, So Perfect for Bicycle Rides

 bicycle jumpsuit ridingpretty
(My super comfy romper worn over *gasp* padded bicycle shorts)

Finally sharing with you the end of my fabulous Train Day Bicycle Story....The above photo is what I wore that day and it ended up being perfect. Next meet Reef...

four and half years old on a bike by ridingpretty

Reef is four and one half years old! He was my direct lead as I followed in behind him winding along the road. You see, I purposely chose to be as close to the last rider - bringing up the caboose as it were out of the four hundred and fifty plus riders. I emphatically enjoy going ever so leisurely and sort of lolly gag along, all the better to really take in the sights and listen for distinct song bird songs of the rarer birds in our local. So back to Reef - he inspired me! I had my 3 speed to help power me along and he had no speeds, yet he kept well ahead of me- dare I say sportingly out doing me!


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Train and Bicycle Day - Part II

train ride bicycles by ridingpretty

roaring camp bicycles by ridingpretty

train tickets bicycles by ridingpretty
(all photos by ridingpretty)

Four hundred and fifty people boarded the train... add that number in again and that's just about how many bicycles also went on board the train.

Just what is the Trail and Rail Day all about? It's about riding your bicycle to the train - then take a train ride to Roaring Camp/Henry Cowell Redwoods - then ride your bicycle nine glorious miles (down Highway 9) through the Santa Cruz Mountains on a beautiful mountain road that you've just about got all to yourself, meaning sans cars. This miracle ride happens once a year, and it's five years running now. A CHP escort secures the right of passage keeping traffic at bay during the course of the ride, sorta like what they do for the Amgen Tour.

Now there is a bit of an agenda behind all this. Come on folks, just do this ride once and you will want to see Rails and Trail get the funding and implementation it so deserves. Sincerely, I hope this idea continues to spread wide and far! For more info - Santa Cruz (local) or for National (in scope).
Anyway. Sheer joy! This day was so much fun, and yes I do have a few more photos from the day to share, so stay tuned...


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Train and Bicycle Day - Part I

santa cruz train and bicycles photo by ridingpretty
(all photos - ridingpretty)

Much more to share with you! This is just Part I of an incredibly fun day- the Santa Cruz to Felton 'Rail and Trail Day'.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Dave's Specialized Toupe recover in silver grey calf skin. Conditioned and waxed for a smoother finish.
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Sunday, May 23, 2010

SteamPunk Bicycle

Gasp! - A SteamPunk bicycle rolled through the village of The Makers Faire. Entranced, I followed along behind...

steampunk bicycle photo by ridingpretty

Lo and behold a really amazing SteamPunk girl sat upon her velvet throne....

steampunk girl photo by ridingpretty

steampunk girl photo by ridingpretty

I spied some SteamPunk goggles I coveted ♥ ( the second ones from the top)...

steampunk googles photo by ridingpretty
(all photos by ridingpretty)


Friday, May 21, 2010

The 'Win a Bicycle' Contest List !

orange bicycle shared by ridingpretty

Pretty amazing list of bicycle giveaways and contests going on right now - so act fast. Some bike contests end soon!

Win a handcrafted bike - details at Atayne + Dornbox

Win a Dahon - details at Bike Hugger

Win a Bowery Lane bike - details at MagnificentBastards (it’s a mens lifestyle magazine)

Win a Breezer or Trek bike by pledging at People for

Win a bike by tweeting you & your bike photo details at Martha Stewart Whole Living

Win a Breezer - details at Sierra Club
"All you need is a clean and crisp bike or bike-related photo and a thoughtful haiku (that's three lines of five, seven, and five syllables each). For example: Bicycle rider / Coasting without burning oil/ No tailpipe, no fumes."

This list was compiled out of emails that landed in my in-box. I listed them alphabetically. Well almost, I really like the Haiku contest from Sierra Club! If you look way down at the bottom of my side bar you will see a link I've had on my blog for more than two years - It's called "How Green is my Ride" - check it out :)

Trust me, you can win. I won a bicycle last year!

p.s. There are a lot more regional bike giveaways...I just concentrated on the national ones.
You're welcome to leave any word of any other good bicycle giveaways / contests in the comments field!


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rita Hayworth on a Bicycle

Rita hayworthshared by ridingpretty
Rita Hayworth on a bicycle ...

AND bathing suit time is here. Yeah for summer!
Anyone out there ride their bicycle in your bikini, swim suit?!??


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

After the Race

Amgen stage 3 photo by ridingpretty

Amgen stage 3 photo by ridingpretty
After the Race...

Santa Cruz was host to Amgen Stage 3 :)


Monday, May 17, 2010

Unicycle! Plus Amgen Stage 3...Coming to Town!

unicycle photo by ridingpretty
too cool - downtown santa cruz

Tomorrow Amgen Stage 3 is coming to town which is pretty exciting and pretty crazy at the same time! Yes, I will be out there in the masses of crowds, with my camera looking for something interesting to share with you....

unicycle photo by ridingpretty


"Teens Leaving for Prom Night" - Take the Challenge

Enjoy! a little video from the carfreechallenge !

(via carfreechallenge - take the challenge it runs June 1 to June 7)

Sweet little video, I wish I'd gone to my prom in such style!!


Stephanie Baker - Bicycle Portraits South Africa

stephanie via kickstarter shared by ridingpretty
(Stephanie Baker - photo via kickstarter)

Beautiful photos aplenty over at Bicycle Portraits - simply every day people riding their bicycles in South Africa. A book is forthcoming, but you can learn more about this project by visiting.

Anyway back to Stephanie Baker, who is utterly amazing! She is in her 80's, has ridden a bicycle for many years and has quite the stylish flair about her! She very much reminds me of another lovely lady who so inspired me and whom I mused about not so very long ago....

Twin: SMPs

One's just a little bit fatter than the other. The skinny one's much more sporty. I hope you like your new babys Steve.
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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Bike to Work Day Santa Cruz - Morning

bike to work day - what I wore by ridingpretty

bike to work day - what I wore by ridingpretty

I had a great morning at the downtown Santa Cruz energizer station on Bike To Work Day before I headed up to SF for the Bike to Work Day goings on in the City.

So anyway here's to keeping up with 'what I wore' type
photo documenting. Here's my last year's. While looking for more 'what I wore' kinds of fashion looks I came across this Nora Ephron - Off Broadway play NYC... I'm laughing already :)

Pure White

Pure, white, simple, minimal, difficult! In progress coming soon.
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Green Envy Complete




The guys over at Cycling Edge have completed the Envy build. No detail has been overlooked. The images are much better quality over at their blog.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Bike Day - Bike Away From Work Party

by ridingpretty
(photos : from the San Francisco Bike Away From Work Party ...then collaged onto the nice canvas bag from BIKE to WORK DAY)

Hey it was fun! I rarely get up to SF, but when I do what a way to go! Nice party :) I met up with KT, Adrienne, Calitexan, and Meli.

How did you spend your Bike to Work Day besides Biking to Work? Party?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wharf - A Favorite Bicycle Ride

Santa Cruz Wharf is one of my favorite rides - yes that's a another panda shot and I'm wearing one of my custom bicycle helmets...

custom red helmet by ridingpretty

Big smile on my face, I know.... it's 'cause I'm getting the panda shot thing down, that and wearing my new bright red custom helmet - and getting all the tourists curious about what I'm doing waving this camera up in the air for.

santa cruz wharf photo by ridingpretty
A pit stop at the picnic tables on the wharf.

santa cruz by ridingpretty
Is this bicycle abandoned? No she'll be right back, she just stopping off at Andy's (see above photo) to pick something up.

custom red helmet by ridingpretty
Being ever conscious of getting the WHOLE outfit in the shot - a requirement if you want to do a post of 'what you wore' to Chictopia, and VV's Bike Wardrobe Remix (hmm which I haven't submitted anything yet but plan on it :) So anyway I did this 'after the ride' documentation photo.

raleigh twenty bicycle photo by ridingpretty
One last wharf shot from the day... A sea gull wonders if I'll be sharing any of the seafood I'm purchasing from Stagnaro's Bros. outdoor Fish Market.
