Saturday, October 31, 2009

Old Wicked Witch, Scary Bandit Girl Riding Bicycles - More Halloween Fun!

Wicked Witch of the West and Bicycle shared by ridingpretty

Wicked Witch of the West and Bicycle shared by ridingpretty
(via sirswipesalot)

Old Scary vs New Eerie. Wicked Witch of the West still has 'Scare Power' left over and emmanting from my childish mind. Scary Bandit Girl is the New Eerie...

This is the last post for Halloween. Be Safe. Ride Safe. Have Fun!


Friday, October 30, 2009

Alien on a Bicycle - Steam Punk Robot

steampunkrobot Bicycle shared by ridingpretty
(photocredit: Stephane Halleux)

More Halloween fun...this one is very creepy. A Steam Punk Robot looking very 'Alien' and insect like to me. I hope to never cross paths with such a spooky creature on a bicycle this Halloween! Yeeeee!


Dita VonTeese - Bicycle - Vampirish Vamp

 Dita Von Teese and Bicycle shared by ridingpretty
(photo credit: Russian Harpers Bazaar)

Dita Von Teese posing in the pages of Harper's Bazaar -Russia. So lovely wicked and certainly inspirational for any aspiring Vampire Vixens on bicycles. I love Halloween.


Rhianna - BMX Bicycle

Rhianna and Bicycle shared by ridingpretty
(photographer: Steven Klein for Italia Vogue)

posing for Italia Vogue on a BMX bicycle.
If you don't have a "look" yet figured out yet for Halloween, perhaps Rhianna can help you channel a Grace Jones / Michael Jackson edginess just perfect for your BMX ride.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Milano Girl on a Lovely Bicycle - Thanks to The Sartorialist

 Sartorialist Milano girl on a bicycle shared by ridingpretty
(photo credit: The Sartorialist)

Thanks to The Sartorialist we have yet another fine photo of a chic rider on her altogether too perfect bicycle. Please note the wicker basket front and rear, the enclosed chain guard, the crochet style skirt guard, the loop frame with it's Sit Up & Beg riding position.

Ah, she is dressed in that Milan relaxed chic. I particularly like how her belt's buckle is worn off to the side. I once lived in Milano for 4 months so this brings back some very particular fond memories...sigh.

Fall l Leaves - Red Dress Red Bicycle

Red Dress and Bicycle Fall Leaves hosted by ridingpretty
(photo credit: Unaobseion)

Just Lovely!


Eva Mendes with Bicycle --- Fashion and the Bicycle Live ON!

Eva mendez and Bicycle shared by ridingpretty
(via iiiiiiii)

My, Eva Mendez looks AMAZING! This photo is so dreamy. A few days ago.... Indian Summer and all the girls downtown were wearing flitty little dresses like Eva's. Today the wind was blowing 60 miles per hour with a definite bitter bite of cold in the air. Enough of the weather report and now back to enjoying this stellar photo of Eva!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Green Clean Your Bicycle

 green clean eco clean bike photo by ridingpretty
[Dr. Bronner's Soap, aluminum foil, a lemon, cream of tartar, old socks, toothbrushes]

All of the above items are things I have around my house. I chose them because I didn’t have to go and buy any of it, just stuff I have around anyway.

So roll up your sleeves and I’ll go through how to do a green clean on your bicycle.

If your bike is totally crusted with dirt, wipe it down first with a rag to clear away all the crud that easily wipes off. Next take your Dr. Bronners’s Soap (I like the Almond), and put a smallish dab of it on a super soft rag (I use old gym socks) and wipe across the surface of your bike. Follow with a slightly damp rag and start wiping off, repeating the process until you have removed all the surface grime and dirt from your bike. Use a tooth brush and q-tips if you really want to get down to it and clean all the tiny areas. No need to hose down your bike, or slop a bunch of soapy water from a bucket all over your bike, which will pollute groundwater runoff, streams, lakes and oceans. Just wipe away.

Next, grab the aluminum foil and fold it or wad it. Moisten it very lightly with some drops of lemon juice. Work all the chromed parts. You can shape the foil into any little special shapes you want. For instance, try some wedge shapes to really get into the small little areas, like the wheel spokes. Polish away. Elbow grease required!

Still stubborn rust spots on your chromed parts? Take the cream of tartar and add just enough water to make a paste with a consistency slightly runnier than toothpaste. Apply to the stubborn rusted areas. Leave on up to a few hours. Use an old soft, dry toothbrush to brush off the paste. There will be cream of tartar dust on the ground where you’ve brushed it off, but it’s harmless. Use a rag next and wipe off whatever remains. Repeat aluminum foil step for a final polish.

eco green clean bike photo by ridingpretty

I’ve gotten amazing results using these very simple methods! This method is urban/ apartment dwelling friendly, too. No need to go outside to clean up your bicycle unless you want to.

In the second installment, I will cover the green clean way to degrease, lube/re-lube or oil your bicycle, and in future installments I will cover even more useful and handy eco/green ways of caring for your bicycle.
Original Comments Follow. This was Originally Posted by Thom at Old Bike Blog on January 14, 2009 at 11:32 AM

Dennis said...
Terrific little article! Thanks so much for running it here. That chainring must have really taken some time and a lot of effort. Beautifully done!!
January 14, 2009 1:11 PM

ianchowmiller said...
Great post. I'm down for giving it a try. Will let you know how it works.
January 14, 2009 3:26 PM

RidingPretty said...
Dennis...Thanks, I gave out my best eco green recipes/methods.
Also, it's been so great trading guest blogging with Thom!!!

ianchowmiller... Be sure to apply the elbow grease! That's the key to getting your chrome all shiney.
January 14, 2009 5:41 PM

man said...
Thanks for this article Shelley!
I love the simple products eco ness of the cleaning method for our bikes, as that was one big issue I have had with all the oils and degreasers out there.
OBB - thanks for having her.
January 14, 2009 11:53 PM

m e l i g r o s a said...
excellent post Shelly! I will try this soon ;)

January 19, 2009 8:33 PM

David Hembrow said...
I almost didn't read this article, thinking that I wasn't much interested in cleaning my bike.

However, it's actually very interesting. One question, though. What can I substitute for the soap, which I've never heard of and which by the look of it is only available in the US. Will any old soap do ? Or vegetable oil (I note it's made of a mixture of oils) ?
January 20, 2009 12:53 PM

RidingPretty said...
David H...
Dr. Bronner’s soap is a pure castile soap. Perhaps you can purchase it online? If not, a good, pure and liquid castile soap could be that is hopefully organic, fair trade, biodegradable and vegetable based like Dr. Bronner’s is.
An aside I know, but I was introduced to it on a ‘back country’ camping trip. I used it for everything; washing dishes, my shampoo, my body wash, even brushed my teeth with it!
Here in the USA it is very common in natural food stores.

meligrose & man... glad you appreciate the article!
January 20, 2009 6:45 PM

Giuliano said...
If you want to make your own natural soap, just get some oil (sunflower oil makes a good white liquid soap and it's cheap) and caustic soda (sodium hydroxide). You'll find many recipes to make soap on the net. The basic ratio for sunflower oil is: 7 part of oil to 1 part of caustic soda (in weight). With 1 litre of oil you make about 3 litres of liquid soap. Pay a lot of attention while weighing the soda (in open air!) and dissolving it in water and mixing it with the warm oil. Use gloves and goggles. Note that you only use about a quarter of the final quantity of water to dissolve the soda. You will add water to make the final quantity towards the end of the process. Mmm, perhaps I should make a short article. The result is a very thick and filamentous liquid soap that won't clean mineral oil dirt like your average detergent, but at least won't pollute the planet. This proportions are for a strong soap that is not indicated for personal use, but is good for the washing machine. Giuliano
January 23, 2009 1:53 PM

RidingPretty said...
Just checked back and found your comment. Thanks for the soap recipe and responding to David H's request for alternatives to Dr. Bronner's soap.

Does sound like a lot of work to make it, (and I'm not crazy about wearing the goggles part.) But I respect all the DIYers out there who are into making stuff yourself.

Still I recommend a castile soap (and one safe enough I can brush my teeth with it, like Dr. Bronner's.)
I hope this post enjoys a long shelf life... so anyone else out there who cares to put in your own 2cents, I will be checking back here time to time.
January 28, 2009 9:36 AM

Deb said...
I'm so glad to read this post! Especially looking forward to the next installment. I've been asking around for exactly this kind of info for a while, and I was feeling like no one else was really thinking about it. (no one else that i asked about it, anyway!)

My one question is with regards to the aluminum foil. I try to avoid things like that, and so I was wondering if there is a non-disposable alternative that you can think of that would do the trick?
Thanks for this post. :)
February 11, 2009 5:37 PM

RidingPretty said...
Deb...I am so glad you enjoyed the post.I gave it some thought. I would stick with using the aluminum foil. It is plentiful and in most people's households. However if you do not purchase it yourself perhaps you could ask neighbors or co-workers to save their used foil for you...even with a little cooking grease on it this wouldn't hurt at all. Another thought is to go to a online group like 'freecycle' and put up a request. Lots of people love to find ways to recycle everything and would be delighted to accommodate you with their used foil.
February 12, 2009 4:33 PM

b said...
Thanks for the tips and tutorial! I need to learn how to be patient, but I'm anxious for the next installment for my little project [:
May 18, 2009 8:51 PM

david m. said...
Thanks for the great write up! It's a helpful primer for fellow fixer-upper aficionados.
September 30, 2009 11:41 AM


Some Heavy Black Leather

The next set of double straps, this time with a double keeper to hold things together at the top of the cage.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Chicago Charity Calendar - Miss February Bicycle Girl

Miss February Bicycle Girl Calendar by Nolan and TyK shared by ridingpretty

Remember last year when I posted this pic by Michelle Nolan?

Well the fine folks at TyK contacted me and wanted me to let you readers know that a calendar is available with lots more of Michelle's photography. Proceeds from the calendars go to CHARITY and will be benefiting Chicago Women's Health Center [CWHC]!!! So go to TyK aka 'thoughtyouknew' to pre-order and for all other ordering information.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Raleigh DL 1 - Posing for a Photo

DL 1 Raleigh Bicycle  photo by ridingpretty

I haven't shared any photos of my Raleigh DL 1 bicycle in ages. My PrettyBritty is well and fine! This is in response to that someone who wondered why there were no more new, current photos or any new adventures with my Raleigh bicycle. Well truth be told, I've been riding my beach cruiser exclusively all summer long and into the fall. So my Raleigh DL1 (PrettyBritty) along with my 1970's Motobecane Mixte (Belle) are in my storage garage down the street. Both are safe and well and waiting to be ridden! More adventures to come!


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fall Bicycle Ride

Fall Bicycle Ride copyright bella pilar and hosted by ridingpretty
(image copyrighted by Bella Pilar)
This illustration gets me in the best mood for a Fall Bicycle Ride. I love to go forage for overflowing flowers to cut for my home. Did you know you are free to cut anything that hangs over a fence onto the sidewalk side? I have all these spots of know my house is filled with and always has fresh seasonal flowers, leaf and leaf branches, even seasonal fruit. Enjoy the Fall and nature's bounty!


Friday, October 23, 2009

Unite Bike - San Francisco this Sunday!!

Unite Bike San Franccisco shared by RidingPretty
Sunday October 25th, in San Francisco. 5PM -Let's unite, make history and be a part of the photograph for SF!-also pass the word my powertweets: @unitebike
Visit Bikes and the City for more Details.

UNITE BIKE - San Francisco


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tweed Ride SF - October Sunday Picnic in the Park

Tweed Ride  photos by ridingpretty

Tweed Ride photos by ridingpretty

Tweed Ride SF 2 girls on bicycles photo by ridingpretty

Tweed Ride SF  ridingpretty helmet

Tweed Ride SF  Colin photo by  ridingpretty

Tweed Ride umbrella duel on bicycles photo by ridingpretty

Tweed Ride photo by ridingpretty

Tweed Ride  photos by ridingpretty

Tweed Ride photo by  ridingpretty

Tweed Ride SF  Colin photo by  ridingpretty

(photos top to bottom- Sunday Picnic, 2 girls, Heidi models a RidingPretty Helmet, Colin prepares for Umbrella duel, Umbrella Duel Tweed Chicken, Tea Time, Colin Hosts a Toast to another Fine Tweed Ride...all photos by RidingPretty)

Writing this while sipping my Lady Earl Grey Tea and thinking fondly upon this last Sunday's SF Tweed Ride. Beautiful, if some what overcast, the day was so very enjoyable in the company of the SF Tweeders. Everyone convened at the Flower Conservatory, after a civilized ride through the streets of SF (mainly via the SF wiggle.) I was lucky to attend, everything being so extremely very last minute on my part. I didn't have time to rent or borrow a bicycle for the ride once I arrived in SF, I was just happy enough to have a caught a car ride up from Santa Cruz! With better, more advanced planning I'd love to get my vintage 'Pretty Britty' brought up next time.

Everyone was so delightful, tea and Pims and lovely picnic spreads, dreamy covetous bicycles,
fantastic Tweed attire, hysterical games and prizes to be won....sigh. I hope you can get a feel for it all from these photos. I had more but decided on these very few to convey the day.

Special thanks to Heidi who so graciously agreed to model my helmet for me, so I could see what it looked like on some one other than myself...I'd finished it only the night before in hopes I'd get to SF in time to either rent or borrow a bicycle for the ride, and anyway Heidi was just so sweet to pose for me!

Also I was so happy to finally meet Colin. Colin started the very first Tweed Ride, that is the first one after of course the Very Original London Tweed Run. SF Tweed Ride is now on its 4 or 5th ride, while other cities like Sydney, Chicago, Boston (and more!) have begun their own Tweed Rides.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Passing Through the Studio

Here are a couple of nice bikes that have passed through the Busyman studio over the last few months for a touch of leather trim here and there. Ged's RIH-Sport, Tri's Eddy Merckx and Goran's Cinelli. Why don't I have one of these for myself?

Fancy Doubles

A pair of double straps I finished for Tristan on the weekend. Double laminated with a woven core layer to prevent stretching, stitched to prevent delamination. There's another set in black on the way.

Friday, October 16, 2009

RE: loving the blog!


Thanks for writing, and sorry for my delay in responding to you, it’s been a busy week for me. You sound so very interesting, and so much your own person to take up riding a cruiser bicycle when no one else is like you at all!

And YES, I would love to see your photos and would love to post them! I very much think that customizing your cruiser into something you love is so worthwhile and you will learn so much by doing it!

XXXX is a place I’ve always wanted visit! Perhaps you could start your own blog? You could share your experiences of what it is like to ride a bicycle where you live!

When I started my blog there were so very few doing so…now more and more join every month! Like I said I would love to see and hear so much more about XXXX. Truthfully you may find you may even become a local bike hero. So many girls who started their own bike blogs, blogging about their adventures and bicycle related topics ended up getting known in their hometowns. They did this by inspiring other girls to ride bicycles. They also made lots of new friends because of their blogs.

And in your own words; “I needed to express myself with someone who felt the same way about bicycles and fashion!” This in essence is why I started my blog… and to hear you say this makes everything I do feel worthwhile. Thank you.

Good Luck in all your Bicycle Adventures!





Wang Perah - Edy Hisham Camera 10.10.09

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