Monday, September 28, 2009

Heavy Metal, High Fashion - BMX Bike

(photo via LITTER)

Of course this photo is strictly runway. Now For some real BMX girls and what they are actually wearing on a typical date night Friday, check out this post.

I admit I have my own heavy metal comes in the form of these gorgeous vintage European chain guards over at Chic Cyclist.

Update on Interbike. Please go check out Cosmo aka LA Cycle Chic. Cosmo attended Interbike and filed a couple of reports here and here. Visit Cyclelicious to see some runway photos of the Momentum Urban Legend Fashion Show. Hopefully Momentum will have a 2009 video of the Fashion Show out soon.
Align Center

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Going to Interbike.....

Going to Interbike....Only Maybe

Well I've got my media pass to attend the upcoming Interbike which is pretty exiting. I also have a spot in this year's Momentum Urban Legend Show (at Interbike) for my RidingPretty designs.

What I'm not certain of is if I can actually go. 'Life Happens'...that perfect line one uses when it's altogether the easiest explanation one can give.


I am going ahead and planing out a checklist of who and what I should go see at the show. Any suggestions from any of you all out there? You can pretty much assume I'll be checking in with Bicycle makers/vendors for all the lovely bicycles on my Dream Bicycle List. I'll be looking at panniers and wicker baskets. What else?

My last year's Momentum Urban Legend Show post.

Friday, September 18, 2009

NYC, a Girl, a Bike .... Part I

Maybe it's because I was reading Bicycle Diaries and had NYC and bikes seared into my brainscape....That along with following NYC Fashion Week all this week, now NYC cycle style fashion is seared on my brainscape as well...

(photocredit: Scott Jason)

Then it hits me. 2004 and here are all these photos of girls riding their bikes in NYC!!!! Just amazing and beautiful photos and it was SO ahead of the curve. Long before even Copenhagen Cycle Chic who does his thing photo documenting Copenhagen girls on bikes, and long before the proliferation of bicycle blogs featuring girls on bikes. Why not break out these photos now and share them with my readers, especially NOW (and due to what's going on with my brainscape)!

So who is this visionary photographer who had this so wired, waaay back in 2004?

Jason Oliver Goodman or dogooder. He has a book of these photos out. Go to his site and Enjoy.

"In the summer of 2004 I set out alone on my bike to make a photography project called A Girl's Bike. In roughly 4 months I documented close to 200 women and their bicycles around NYC, mostly on the street as I found them..."

Did you get that part? 200 women and their bicycles around NYC!!!!!!!!!!
So go there and see for yourself the wide range of girls, fashions and styles of bicycles.
How much have things changed since 2004 style and fashion wise looking at these photos?

Stay tuned for NYC, a Girl, a Bike .... Part II

NYC, a Girl, a Bike .... Part II

Maybe it's because I was reading Bicycle Diaries and had NYC and bikes seared into my brainscape....

Then this happens soon after.... I hear from Jessica Delfino, a (LES no less) NYC Girl epitomized!

(photocredit: Alex Todd)

Jessica is a comedian (she has plenty of shows coming up), she rides a bike, she started her own brand new bicycle blog.... townbicycle

"I ride my bike to shows almost every night. I started my own bike blog recently to document what I see on my bike en route to those shows, especially relating to bicyclists in the city. "

see NYC, a Girl, a Bike .... Part I


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cycle Style - Plaid Jackets

(top photo via facehunter, bottom photo via Love Magazine)

You say Cycle Style, I say Bicycle Style... You say 'tomato', I say 'tomahto'...
Either way 'Boyfriend' Plaid Jackets are on my 'must have' list for Fall. I will wear it with the sleeves rolled up just so.

Today I found an amazing leather jacket that is so Erin Wasson or better yet Rick Owens. I found the jacket at the thrift store for a paltry pittance. When I brought it home my BF thought I'd blown a weeks salary on it. I promptly produced the sales receipt for the sheer satisfaction of authenticating my magical find.


Dad with 3 Very Stylish Daughters on Bicycles

(photo: RidingPretty)

Indian Summer. Dad brings his 3 very stylish daughters to the beach on a gorgeous day. What a great dad bringing up his daughters living a bicycle lifestyle. Please note all 3 girls and Dad wear their helmets.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


This is an interesting factoid I picked up somewhere recently on the interwebs:


From what I can tell a lot guys come cruising by my blog hoping to see a brand new fresh picture of a pretty girl on a bike. So I took things in hand and came up with a list. Why am I sharing such a list? I want to make it simple for said guys to go off on their way to what it is they are really looking for.

Now this list of sites is aimed specifically for the male (voyeur) audience.

Warning to the non-voyeur: some of these sites contain a rather nice mix of images, while others like to feature soft porn, with no artistic merit or fashionable aspect and preferring instead to show off nearly 'nekid girls on bikes'. Oh, I also want to note here that most of my pretty girl photos end up on these sites anyways... (annoyingly my images are often swiped, and not credited).

Long ago I figured out that a portion of my readership were guys with something else on their minds other than the promoting of a bicycle (primarily for us girls) lifestyle, along with the bicycle advocacy, and the girly, fashion stuff I am always blogging about. I got a clue that this was the way it is way back when I ran a post and a poll to try to suss this out.

Let’s cut to the chase...The List:

Girls on Bicycles!
Chicks and Bikes
Babes on Bikes
*plus way too many more to list now because the list keeps just growing and growing

Now if I can just get back to blogging about things I like; all things vintage, dream bicycles, romantic notions, bicycle tips for girls, fashion, and all things that generally lend themselves to living a fabulous bicycle lifestyle! And don't get me wrong; I LOVE my male readership, and very precisely the ones that 'get' it :)
p.s. this is as close to a rant as I come! You will not find me doing long posts complaining about all the ranty kinds of topics you may come across on other blogs ... such as the rude behavior of motorists or other cyclists, or the typical, rehashed cycle wars and issues that are so very popular elsewhere. In essence my glass is always half full and I like to promote that kind of attitude in this blog


Art Crank and Janet Bicycle Girl....Plus Bikes for Rawanda - Bikes for the World

by Janet Bike Girl

© All rights reserved

( poster is for: ARTCRANK Portland, Oregon is set for Thursday, Oct 1 at the ACE Hotel. This will be opening night for the OREGON MANIFEST BIKE EXPO.)

Janet, the artist who did the poster above is just about my very first girl friend that I met through the interwebs via this blog. Here's that original about Janet here.

Good Luck with the show Janet! and I hope lots of posters sell and help out with the Bikes to Rawanda charity efforts. Bikes for the World is a cause that I posted about as well, so I am particularly excited to help by getting the work out on this.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Princely Musings - Bicycle

This via SydneyBodyArtRide

Book Review: David Byrne's Bicycle Diaries

Do you want to get your self all ‘bikey love’ inspired for your next travel to a city destination? Then pack a bike and take it with you, or rent one when you get there! This is exactly what David Byrne does. He sees the world with 'bicycle eyes'...and what a great way to look at the world.

Granted after reading David Byrne's Bicycle Diaries I now understand that the man writes about a LOT more than just urban cycling. The book is chocked full of personal, diary style musings on all sorts of topics but topics you'd expect David Byrne to be passionate, art, politics and plenty more. Be surprised as you some of it is fringe and outsider but hey, that's why I love David Byrne!

Importantly there are some solid Bike advocacy gems of wisdom you will gleam from this book, all good for strengthening what you know already know plus discovering new concepts that will definitely enlightened you.

One more thing, as a visual person I was so impressed that this book has no book jacket. The cover just shouts 'cool' and more than one person looked up from their coffee house table with eyes begging to come over and ask me about the book I was reading. Serious cred if you want to be seen and caught with a great book whilst reading at you favorite coffee house/cafe. I had to ask myself… Is it possible to be mugged for a book?

More info:
David Byrne hosts:
"Bike Advocacy and the Urban Environment"
With guests David Chiu, Leah Shahum and Mike Teitz
Tuesday, September 29, 2009 |San Francisco|Herbst Theatre, 8pm


Monday, September 14, 2009

Harris Tweed!! Proper Bicycle Attire... Jackie Phelan

Okay, continuing with the Tweed Theme....
Why wear Harris Tweed? The answer is contained within this charming and funny video via Jacquie Phelan. Watch and listen as Jacquie tells you all about her Harris Tweed Jacket and
What to Wear on the Road.

You may remember Jackie from this post from awhile back.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fall 2009 Inspiration-Tall Bike...PLUS SF Tweed Ride

(via piubici / photocredit: wolkenlein)
Yes it's a Tall Bike, can a Tall Bike be a chic bike to ride? Why yes, when you're dressed as stylishly as this (very) posed high fashion model is.

In real life there is a local SF fashion designer who wore an outfit for the SF Tweed Ride that knocked me out. Her outfit is reminiscent of the one in the photo above.... both are Perfect looks for Fall 2009.

Looking for some more Fall (Tweed) outfits? Look at my Tweed Inspiration to get you started off in the right direction!

By the way there is another SF Tweed Ride coming up very soon ...

Tweeds of Belleville -Wednesday Sept 16th

6:15 pm — meet at Dolores Park at the far tennis courts at 18th and Church for short filming with the Bay Area Deraillleurs 6:30 pm — Sally forth
7:15 pm — Libations sojourn (location TBA)
7:55 pm — Arrive for Triplets of Belleville Bike-In Movie (Parking lot across from the Good Hotel, 112 Seventh Street, at Mission)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Bicycle Diaries - David Bryne's Book Tour Dates

NYC -Barnes&Noble, Union Square /7pm Tuesday, Sept 22

Austin, TX Paramount Theater /7 pm Sunday Sept 27

Seattle, WA Town Hall /7:30 Monday, Sept 28

San Francisco, CA Herbst Theater /8pm Tuesday Sept 29

Portland, OR Bagdad Theater /7pm Wednesday, Sept 30

Los Angeles, CA Aratani Theater /8pm Friday, Oct 2


From David Byrne’s Publishers/Penguin Group (USA)/Viking:

Bicycle Diaries is David Byrne's celebration of seeing the world from the seat of a bike. Byrne has been riding a bike as his primary means of transportation since the early 80s, at home in NY and on tour overseas. Through a behind-the-handlebars point of view, he describes why cities are physical manifestations of our deepest beliefs and unconscious thoughts, not so much as individuals, but as social animals. In Bicycle Diaries, Byrne takes the reader on a tour across the globe from Berlin to Buenos Aires, Istanbul to San Francisco, Manila to New York) and shares his thoughts on music, urban planning, fashion, architecture, politics, globalization and much more, all through the lens of a perceptive visitor passing through at bike level.

Bicycle Diaries is due to be published on September 21.
For book purchase info: go here and here...Or better yet pedal on over to your local book dealer and purchase your copy there.


I really want to go to the San Francisco to hear David Byrne speak. I will bring my book as well in hopes of getting it signed...I'm a fan of this book!

p.s. So I will be sharing my simplistic book review (more like my impressions and thoughts) right here, real soon.


Ginger Rodgers --- on her Bicycle

From time to time I post vintage photos of 'Celebrities on Bicycles' from a collection of photos I've been amassing. Here we have the lovely Ginger Rodgers!


Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Anthem X2 dan Anthem X3 untuk 2010.

Anthem X1 - menggunakan komponen Shimano Deore XT

Anthem Advance - Model siri tertinggi Anthem.
Menggunakan gentian karbon dan komponen SRAM XX ( 20 kelajuan)

Giant Trance SL - Komponen Truvativ Noir dan SRAM x0


Wakil tunggal dari Titus Bike - Racer X Carbon


Merida 96 -HFS 3000D (Alloy)
Menggunakan fork Magura Durin 100mm

Merida 96 - 3000D Carbon


Trek 8000 - series 8
Antara perubahan paling ketara Trek untuk model 2010 adalah
saiz tiub kepala (Headtube size) setiap basikal siri alloy.

Trek 8500 - Series 8

Trek 9.7 SSL - Series 9

Trek 9.8 - Series 9

Trek 9.9 - Series 9

Set Kerangka - Trek 9.9

Book Oh,Yeah! ...Review Soon - David Byrne --- "Bicycle Diaries"

(my poppy summer dress and reading "Bicycle Diaries" by David Byrne)

(Reading "Bicycle Diaries" by David Bryne at Caffe Pergolesi)

Here sits an advance copy of David Byrne's book "Bicycle Diaries" as seen here gracing my table at Caffe Pergolesi (more on Caffe Perg later)... As you might have guessed I'm reading it now and have been been reading it all during my week's vacation. I'll be sharing soon. I'm actually kinda excited to hurry up and finish so I can tell you my thoughts and impressions. Should be fun!

By the way my vacation was fantastic and exactly the break I so, so needed. Which explains why I didn't post your comments or answer any emails until my return... you know how it is....Good to be back!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

GONE -- On Vacation!

GONE -- On Vacation!
Yes, I'm on vacation...I won't be posting while I'm gone. See you here when I return.
Have a happy and safe Labor Day Weekend one and all.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Metallic Stripes Dress - Vintage Raleigh Bicycle with Wine Basket

(photos by RidingPretty)

Straight away I noticed the Raleigh bicycle with that back wicker basket ideal for transporting two bottles of wine with an extra compartment for food and flowers. I couldn't help but wonder who the rider might be?

Off I went on my next errand. A few minutes later voila!... the rider and I conveniently convened at the intersection. She'd borrowed this 1970's Raleigh bicycle and 'yes, isn't the wicker basket on the back just the best!'... It was filled with (mail?) manila envelopes and other purchases, no wine bottles just yet. AND her dress with it's metallic flecks had the best sparkly effect as she rode through the streets. Her fab green bag in the front basket was so color complimentary to her Raleigh as well. (I just wish my camera had captured the sparkly dress a bit better for your viewing pleasure... sigh ..)

This is number four of the four stylish riders I spotted on (hot) Friday, and all in less than one hour, all downtown Santa Cruz. The temperature was in the 90's.

p.s I've shared the photos of the other stylish riders from (hot) Friday, one each day. This was the last one. Very good day for stylish riders, don't you think!
